Friday, October 2, 2015

Assistive Technology CommUNITY Resources

See below for links to AWESOME resources for assistive technology in Nebraska and Iowa.

1.      Iowa Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT)
Blurb: “The Iowa Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT) helps Iowans find out about and get the assistive technology (AT) they need as part of their daily lives to learn, work, play, and participate in community life safely and independently. IPAT serves Iowans of all ages with all types of disabilities, including persons who are aging.”
2.      Iowa COMPASS
Blurb: “Iowa COMPASS offers information and referral, a used equipment listing service (Used Equipment Referral Service) and legal advocacy and representation (Assistive Technology Legal Project) for Iowans with disabilities and their families, friends and service providers.”
3.      Easter Seals Iowa Assistive Technology Center
Blurb: The Easter Seals Iowa Assistive Technology Center provides “opportunities for individuals to learn about, sample and use assistive technology”. Their resources include an equipment loan program, a demonstration center and a lending library.
4.      Iowa Department of Education
Blurb: The Iowa Department of Education provides information on federal regulations regarding assistive technology in the schools. There are many links to answer questions regarding AT contacts, state rules, quality indicators, and funding sources.
1.      Assistive Technology Partnership  (ATP)
Blurb: “The ATP, through collaboration, provides all Nebraskans access and opportunities to better, live, learn and work.” Their website contains links to information regarding funding, housing, employment, education, and equipment.”
2.      Assistive Technology in Education
Blurb: The link above provides information on federal regulations regarding assistive technology in the schools. There are many links to answer questions regarding AT contacts, state rules, quality indicators, and funding sources.
3.      Assistive Technology for All (AT4ALL)
Blurb: “Find equipment for all ages available for loan, demonstration, free or for sale. Browse, stay informed with announcements and check out the latest in "View New Items" and “Featured Equipment”. --Short-term, equipment and device loans are offered at no cost. Some items are available for giveaway. You can even sell your own equipment that you no longer need, search for sale items, or list items you want! --AT4ALL is brought to you by Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP).”

****Note: There are MANY more examples of assistive technology, the ones mentioned in this blog are devices that I am becoming familiar with through my rotation.

All images in this blog were collected from Google images. 

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